March 2003 Archive of Music Software Discussion & Help Page

Music Software Discussion and Help

Archive: March 2003

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Re: sound problems ymf740b-v for win2000

: hi,i want a sound drivers
: but i can't find it.
: I don't know who can help me? Thanks

Re: sound problems ymf740b-v for win2000

: hi,i want a sound drivers
: but i can't find it.
: I don't know who can help me? Thanks


Re: sound problems ymf740b-v for win2000

: : hi,i want a sound drivers
: : but i can't find it.
: : I don't know who can help me? Thanks

: :






You people are so ignorant. If you think that we are an oil-grubbing superpower, don't you think we would have already taken over middle-eastern oil fields when Bush's father was President?
Go with the facts and get rid of your political views that are just based on "feelings". If you can't, get the hell out of the country. At least during Viet-Nam, people like you went to Canada and DID leave the country. So do us a favor, LEAVE!!
We've got a job to do and that is to liberate the Iraqi people from the Butcher from Baghdad. Listen to virtually ALL of the Iraqis who have fled and are now American citizens. 100% of those that I've seen on TV and heard on the radio agree that Saddam Insane must be removed and that we have only heard the "tip of the iceberg" when it relates to the atrocities that Saddam has committed on his people.
Again, get the facts and quit acting like an someone that can't control their fears or emotions. Quit being such a wimp!



Re: sadam = war crimes

Re: sadam = war crimes


How can i make music on my PC ?

Hi there,i'm new to computers and i wondered how i can go about making my own music on my PC ? is there any software i can download or purchase ? do i need any other equipment ? i'd be very grateful for any help with these questions,
Regards Steve

Re: How can i make music on my PC ?

: Hi there,i'm new to computers and i wondered how i can go about making my own music on my PC ? is there any software i can download or purchase ? do i need any other equipment ? i'd be very grateful for any help with these questions,
: Regards Steve

Re: How can i make music on my PC ?

: : Hi there,i'm new to computers and i wondered how i can go about making my own music on my PC ? is there any software i can download or purchase ? do i need any other equipment ? i'd be very grateful for any help with these questions,
: : Regards Jan

Re: How can i make music on my PC ?

the home of this site is full of it. ( have fun.

: Hi there,i'm new to computers and i wondered how i can go about making my own music on my PC ? is there any software i can download or purchase ? do i need any other equipment ? i'd be very grateful for any help with these questions,
: Regards Steve

Re: How can i make music on my PC ?

download fruity-loops

Akai S2000 help needed

Hi all,
Im having problems adding samples to programs.
I can record audio into the machine, via the sample mode and edit the start and end, but i still don't know how to add them into programs, so i can add them to multi's
This is bound to be a really simple problem that i have missed but iam still new to sampling.
All help greatfully received

Re: Akai S2000 help needed

: Hi all,
: Im having problems adding samples to programs.
: I can record audio into the machine, via the sample mode and edit the start and end, but i still don't know how to add them into programs, so i can add them to multi's
: This is bound to be a really simple problem that i have missed but iam still new to sampling.
: All help greatfully received

Re: Akai S2000 help needed

I have the same problem trying to move my analog
raw samples into multi or single mode to try and
set keygroups.I have read the manual and think
that to do something as simple as this is
definitely not obvious and if no one answers this will probably chuck it in the bin.


I am to purchase (if possible) very reliable software that will convert cds and mp3s into sheet music.

Where can I find crack for: OtsJuke DJ 1.00.165

[The body of this post has been lost]

Re: Where can I find crack for: OtsJuke DJ 1.00.165


The message you posted in our discussion forum with the
subject "Where can I find crack for: OtsJuke DJ 1.00.165"
is illegal.

Your details were recorded...
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Time/Date: March 13, 2003 at 17:17:05 (PST)
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We have removed the post but I can't guarantee the authorities
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Stealing software is extremely serious.

Do not post any messages like this again. To find out just how
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Jason Horton
C.E.O. Hitsquad Pty Ltd
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PO Box 366, Albion, QLD, 4010, AUSTRALIA | | |




I am using a home music software system (Magix) like Acid or Mixman. It enables me to add stuff to numerous tracks through a mike or midi. I am really new at this stuff...

My question is would it be wise to use a mixer to boost the sound of what I am imputting through my sound card?

Re: HomeRecordingQuestion

I use a similar set up, and find running the record inputs through a mixer is very handy for two reasons: 1. I can slect a record input by turning a knob instead of fiddeling with wires. 2 (more importatly) the mic pre-amp on almost any mixer is better than you will find in almost any sound card (even the SB Live) and you also get phantom power.

: I am using a home music software system (Magix) like Acid or Mixman. It enables me to add stuff to numerous tracks through a mike or midi. I am really new at this stuff...

: My question is would it be wise to use a mixer to boost the sound of what I am imputting through my sound card?

Re: HomeRecordingQuestion

: I am using a home music software system (Magix) like Acid or Mixman. It enables me to add stuff to numerous tracks through a mike or midi. I am really new at this stuff...

: My question is would it be wise to use a mixer to boost the sound of what I am imputting through my sound card?

Well it depends what eqpt you are using, synthesizers, drum machines, samplers etc all have an output at 'line' level so you can just plug them staright into the line input of the your soundcard.
Anything else that does not have an output at line level. Microphones (MIC level) and instrument like guitars (instrument level) all need to be boosted upto line level unless you have mic / instrument inputs on your soundcard.
It may be better having everything routed into your mixer anyway so you can adjust the EQ on individual parts before recording

Hope this helps


Audio Editor For Mac

I'm making commercials for radio stations and i just bought a Mac(i-book). I'm looking for an audio editor with a preview function so if anyone knows the help will be highly welcomed

Re: Audio Editor For Mac

Not sure what you mean by a 'Preview Function' but. You could also try out Spark ME (which was free for for a while and might still be). Or Peak from Bias, which is probably the premiere audio editing package.


Re: Audio Editor For Mac

Try <a href="">SonicWORX Basic</a>.

: Well
: I'm making commercials for radio stations and i just bought a Mac(i-book). I'm looking for an audio editor with a preview function so if anyone knows the help will be highly welcomed

How do i convert reason refills to wavs?

As i'm am not a great fan of Reason (i'm using Cubase) is there any way of converting all the sounds within reason refill files to wavs without copying each one individually??

Re: How do i convert reason refills to wavs?

The best thing is to get Rewire, it is free, and rewire Reason to Cubase. You will have access to all Reason files throught Cubase.

: As i'm am not a great fan of Reason (i'm using Cubase) is there any way of converting all the sounds within reason refill files to wavs without copying each one individually??

Re: How do i convert reason refills to wavs?

god someone let me know if something comes out- i cant stand reason and have so many refills i want to extract the sounds out of so i can use them with other programs..

Re: How do i convert reason refills to wavs?

I'm with you, Cubase user. The thing with rewire though, is the sound is weak coming through the reason channels (++++) You can't use Channel FX on ReWire channels, you have to use sends... which is cool too, but gives a different sound.. Not to meantion the resource drain.

and I just got a bunch of refills off a mate too..

Looks like there'll be 2 people sitting for hours on end exporting fking samples out of reason

: The best thing is to get Rewire, it is free, and rewire Reason to Cubase. You will have access to all Reason files throught Cubase.

: : As i'm am not a great fan of Reason (i'm using Cubase) is there any way of converting all the sounds within reason refill files to wavs without copying each one individually??

Re: How do i convert reason refills to wavs?

I'm not aware of any such thing as a Refill Unpacker.
Would have to be done manually...

Re: How do i convert reason refills to wavs?

Yes, there is a Reason Unpacker.

Re: How do i convert reason refills to wavs?

You just put the sounds on a loop an export channel by channel by muting the rest. use the export to wav function.

ableton live-can't uninstall

i was test driving the 1.5 version of 'live' on my old vaio z505 notebook. i liked it. bought my own and tried to install it. i keep getting message that live is already installed on my machine even though i uninstalled it. any suggestions?

Re: ableton live-can't uninstall

When you uninstalled it did you do it via Add/Remove programs ?
Did you get any errors when uninstalling ?

Quite a lot of applications also have an UNWISE uninstall program in their program folder.
Check to see if the program folder exists

Re: ableton live-can't uninstall

first, thanks so much for responding. i uninstalled it via the icon in the programs menu - "uninstall live". yes, i did get an error message. it read, something to the effect, unable to uninstall 'live" as it does not exist.....". then i went in and searched out all files titled 'live', 'ableton live' etc. and removed them manually. to no avail. how do i check to see if there is an UNWISE uninstall program in the program folder?

: When you uninstalled it did you do it via Add/Remove programs ?
: Did you get any errors when uninstalling ?

: Quite a lot of applications also have an UNWISE uninstall program in their program folder.
: Check to see if the program folder exists

Re: ableton live-can't uninstall

Hi there,
I just did a quick test on this by installing and uninstalling it... (it uninstalled OK)
you can forget about the "unwise" program as it doesn't exist in this case.

The only thing that I can suggest is that you also check to see if it shows up under CONTROL PANEL, ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS..
if does, try to remove it there.

Check to see if the folder still exists in program files\ableton....

I would not recommend, manually deleting programs or folders as you have tried.
(you may accidentally delete something which happens to have a similar name)

Sounds to me like it still exists in the registry, but that you have actually deleted the program as such.
If this is the case you will need to get the entry removed from the registry....

I'm not going to advise you to do this yourself, as if done incorrectly it will give you a lot of trouble.
(eg not being able to get into Windows at all)
As far as I know there are Registry cleaning tools out there which may be of help.
(I haven't used them myself)
So investigate as much as you can.

Alternatively show it to an IT friend

Re: ableton live-can't uninstall

yes, you were right. it was still embedded in the registry. nasty business. i've found someone to attempt a total uninstall. i'll let you know how it turns out. thanks again!

: Hi there,
: I just did a quick test on this by installing and uninstalling it... (it uninstalled OK)
: you can forget about the "unwise" program as it doesn't exist in this case.

: The only thing that I can suggest is that you also check to see if it shows up under CONTROL PANEL, ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS..
: if does, try to remove it there.

: Check to see if the folder still exists in program files\ableton....

: I would not recommend, manually deleting programs or folders as you have tried.
: (you may accidentally delete something which happens to have a similar name)

: Sounds to me like it still exists in the registry, but that you have actually deleted the program as such.
: If this is the case you will need to get the entry removed from the registry....

: I'm not going to advise you to do this yourself, as if done incorrectly it will give you a lot of trouble.
: (eg not being able to get into Windows at all)
: As far as I know there are Registry cleaning tools out there which may be of help.
: (I haven't used them myself)
: So investigate as much as you can.

: Alternatively show it to an IT friend

ableton live-can't uninstall

i was test driving the 1.5 version of 'live' on my old vaio z505 notebook. i liked it. bought my own and tried to install it. i keep getting message that live is already installed on my machine even though i uninstalled it. any suggestions?

I have a question about hearing 21,000 cycles/sec...

Ok, I have to answer this question for school and I need a little help...

How is it possible for a person who is completely normal (not a freak and doesnt have abnormal hearing or anything), to hear a sound produced by a sine generator that has a frequency of 21,000 cycles per second? The generator is pre-set and non-adjustable.

Re: I have a question about hearing 21,000 cycles/sec...

: Ok, I have to answer this question for school and I need a little help...

: How is it possible for a person who is completely normal (not a freak and doesnt have abnormal hearing or anything), to hear a sound produced by a sine generator that has a frequency of 21,000 cycles per second? The generator is pre-set and non-adjustable.

Re: I have a question about hearing 21,000 cycles/sec...

The definition that "school" uses for audible is between 20 and 20k Hz, so "21,000 cycles per second" is "in-audible" so the school answer is "no"

In the real world some people can hear it, some can't. None of them are nesisarily freeks.


: : Ok, I have to answer this question for school and I need a little help...

: : How is it possible for a person who is completely normal (not a freak and doesnt have abnormal hearing or anything), to hear a sound produced by a sine generator that has a frequency of 21,000 cycles per second? The generator is pre-set and non-adjustable.

greek rythms

please I need to download greek rythms at(MRC PRO FORMAT\MF2-HD)

Re: greek rythms-sounds for triton

: please I need to download greek rythms-sounds for triton at(MRC PRO FORMAT\MF2-HD)

how do u turn know if a midi is type0

how do u find out if a midi is type 0 and if not how do u change it to type 0?????????help!!!~

Re: how do u turn know if a midi is type0

<a href=>news </a>


I've been trying this for the longest time now, and i still dont know how to convert the files... All i want to do is listen to the music on a CD player =(.
Is there any way i can make the files play on a cd player or conver to Windows Media???


A Winamp file is likely to be an MP3. All you'd have to do is convert it to WAV and burn to disc if you want to make a CD. There are heaps of format converters on this site. Look for an MP3 to WAV converter.

: I've been trying this for the longest time now, and i still dont know how to convert the files... All i want to do is listen to the music on a CD player =(.
: Is there any way i can make the files play on a cd player or conver to Windows Media???

searching for a software

I need help converting Roland rsd/rsc files from a MT120 in standard midi files, help me please