March 2001 Archive of Music Software Discussion & Help Page

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Re: File Conversion!?!?

Ring up the studio and find out from them what format they've put the tracks in. Can't help you until I know, although I suspect it's aiff.


: Can anyone tell me if Mac systems use the same formats (file extensions ex. .WAV,.MP3,.WMA) as PC? My problem is this: My band recorded in a studio that used a Mac to record the audio. They gave us the raw, unmixed tracks on CD-R, so we could mix and master the tracks on our own. I cannot figure out what the format is for the raw tracks and my windows based system does not recognize the files. What can I do to convert these files? Any and all help will be appreciated.
: Roc

Re: File Conversion!?!?

That's a good idea! I never thought of a rival studio. Thanks...


: Sounds like the guy is screwing you around. Find someone with a Mac or just ask nicely in a computer store. Even better, find a rival studio and give them the spiel. They will only be too happy to help if they think they can nick business from a competitor.

: P

: : I called the studio and he didn't know the exact file extension, however he did give me the names of the programs he used. They are "Digital Performer" and "Sound Designer 2". I think he knows, but he's mad that we didn't have him mix it and doesn't want to tell me the extensions.
: : I am going to search a little more to find out.
: : Roc

: : : Ring up the studio and find out from them what format they've put the tracks in. Can't help you until I know, although I suspect it's aiff.

: : : P

: : : : Can anyone tell me if Mac systems use the same formats (file extensions ex. .WAV,.MP3,.WMA) as PC? My problem is this: My band recorded in a studio that used a Mac to record the audio. They gave us the raw, unmixed tracks on CD-R, so we could mix and master the tracks on our own. I cannot figure out what the format is for the raw tracks and my windows based system does not recognize the files. What can I do to convert these files? Any and all help will be appreciated.
: : : : Roc

Re: File Conversion!?!?

I called the studio and he didn't know the exact file extension, however he did give me the names of the programs he used. They are "Digital Performer" and "Sound Designer 2". I think he knows, but he's mad that we didn't have him mix it and doesn't want to tell me the extensions.
I am going to search a little more to find out.

: Ring up the studio and find out from them what format they've put the tracks in. Can't help you until I know, although I suspect it's aiff.

: P

: : Can anyone tell me if Mac systems use the same formats (file extensions ex. .WAV,.MP3,.WMA) as PC? My problem is this: My band recorded in a studio that used a Mac to record the audio. They gave us the raw, unmixed tracks on CD-R, so we could mix and master the tracks on our own. I cannot figure out what the format is for the raw tracks and my windows based system does not recognize the files. What can I do to convert these files? Any and all help will be appreciated.
: : Roc

Re: File Conversion!?!?

Sounds like the guy is screwing you around. Find someone with a Mac or just ask nicely in a computer store. Even better, find a rival studio and give them the spiel. They will only be too happy to help if they think they can nick business from a competitor.


: I called the studio and he didn't know the exact file extension, however he did give me the names of the programs he used. They are "Digital Performer" and "Sound Designer 2". I think he knows, but he's mad that we didn't have him mix it and doesn't want to tell me the extensions.
: I am going to search a little more to find out.
: Roc

: : Ring up the studio and find out from them what format they've put the tracks in. Can't help you until I know, although I suspect it's aiff.

: : P

: : : Can anyone tell me if Mac systems use the same formats (file extensions ex. .WAV,.MP3,.WMA) as PC? My problem is this: My band recorded in a studio that used a Mac to record the audio. They gave us the raw, unmixed tracks on CD-R, so we could mix and master the tracks on our own. I cannot figure out what the format is for the raw tracks and my windows based system does not recognize the files. What can I do to convert these files? Any and all help will be appreciated.
: : : Roc

is there a way?


i have a question.. is there a way to convert .rm & .ram files into .avi files?? please help!


Can External Software Record The Audio Output of Another Program

Yeah, I was just wondering if there is any non-MIDI software out there that can somehow patch into the soundcard or something and record the audio output of another program. I'm just asking because I have Reason and its export functions are disabled.


Coyote Ugly

Hey, does anyone know what software program was used in the movie "Coyote Ugly" when the girl was writing her "Can't Fight the Moonlight" song? It looked really cool. Any suggestions as to what it could be or any similar programs that are available?? Thanks!!

Re: Coyote Ugly

In reply, I am in search of the same program. Because I am working on getting a amature recording studio on my computer. I have my own piano and rock guitar, you can say I am in about the same place Jersey was in the movie when she moved to New York. I am working towards getting me a new computer. The only thing that I truely know is that Jersey was using a Macintosh iMac computer, being a avid Mac user my self. I don't know of any Mac programs that are exactaly like the one that was on the movie Coyote Ugly. But check out "Music Shop." I have this program my self and it is pretty handy. You can even record stuff off a MIDI compadible electric piano. It records the music onto a printable and editable music staff by musical notes. I'm not a pro at this program yet, still learning about it. But you can also use built-in insturment sound on your computer that is in the Mac's software. There are also other Mac programs to check out like iTune / iLife, Toast with Jam (I have this one too> I can't use this program yet due to the fact I need a newer operation system. But Toast with Jam also allows you to design you CD covers, designs & look. This program is also a CD burning program, so a CD burner would be advised).
If you have any more questions ask me and I will let you know more and any more info that I find out. I might have to watch Coyote Ugly again and truely pay attention to the sales person says that sells Jersey the iMac that she buys. Let music the live!
Other opitions, check out a program called MTV Music Generator & MTV Music Generator 2. these programs create music by the use of a Sony Play Station. The MTV MG 2 uses the PS2. I have used these programs my self and I like them. Even though I play electric rock guitar, have a MIDI piano and can sing. You won't probabaly be able to do everything that you want with just the MTV MG programs. But, at least it will allow you to get some song ideas down, and you can edit the "riffs" that are on the program. You can also import new one that are burned on CD (yours or someone elses). Doing this opition might be a bit more cheaper than buying a computer until you know what you want. But you will probably have to eventually buy a coputer if you want to combine the music you created, any individual instruments from you or someone else and true vocals. The vocals of MTV MG 2 suck, but on the MTV MG they are not too bad if you use them. These programs have a similar set up like the computer program used on Coyote Ugly. Well, I hope that I was some help. Sincerely-Cory

Re: Coyote Ugly

Did anyone answer you? I would know too ... Looked like very cool! Please if did u find it please let me know!

Hey, does anyone know what software program was used in the movie "Coyote Ugly" when the girl was writing her "Can't Fight the Moonlight" song? It looked really cool. Any suggestions as to what it could be or any similar programs that are available?? Thanks!!

Re: Coyote Ugly

yeah!! it was called HitMaster Pro 3.1 .....but i can't find it anywhere. i think they made if up for the movie. i don't why they would do that, but if you do find it, let me know....that would be great. thanks

Re: Coyote Ugly

Hi, My name is Jorge, from Spain. I´d like that anyone send me the letters of the songs of the soundtrack of the film UGLY COYOTE, because the in the CD it isn´t. Thank u!

Hey dude

Do you know the name of the song that Violet sings in the club when a bunch of guys and marines are kickin´ their own asses and they are blowing the whole club up?, it was pretty cool... One way or another, I´m gonna get you get you...
know sth?

mp3 mixers........

does anyone know a good mp3 mixer, where I can beat match, select mixing start and end points, and record so I can mix my own tracks ?

Re: mp3 mixers........

is any body her how know where i can download good mp3 mixer for beginers.Im very interesting abot that.

Re: mp3 mixers........

Try Mixmeister 3.0 or 4.0. It is easy it works well, and it sounds good. Not much to look at.

Re: mp3 mixers........

: does anyone know a good mp3 mixer, just i need to play two mp3 track on same time, if you kwow plese sendme a message to my e-mail, tks a lot

Re: mp3 mixers........

could someone tell me please im lokin to put together a cd for a local competition and i need a good free program please reply soom

Re: mp3 mixers........

: does anyone know a good mp3 mixer, where I can beat match, select mixing start and end points,ripp tracks, beat counter and record so I can mix my own tracks ?
and its a free download

Re: mp3 mixers........

: does anyone know a good mp3 mixer, where I can beat match, select mixing start and end points, and record so I can mix my own tracks ?

Re: mp3 mixers........

I know

Can I create Music? How Please?

I am a website designer and I want make some music for my website like background music and movie music, etc…
The problem is that I don’t know anything about how to create music, sure I listen to it but I don’t know how do they make it, especially I would like to know how do they make the music that can make you happy, sad, scared and so on…
If there is anyone that can help me to start making music I will be very thankful :)

Thanks again for any help

Re: Can I create Music? How Please?

: I am a website designer and I want make some music for my website like background music and movie music, etc…
: The problem is that I don’t know anything about how to create music, sure I listen to it but I don’t know how do they make it, especially I would like to know how do they make the music that can make you happy, sad, scared and so on…
: If there is anyone that can help me to start making music I will be very thankful :)

: Thanks again for any help

Dan Bolton

Re: Can I create Music? How Please?

try checking out good site with tutorials and reviews of gear..dont know how much ur looking to spend but some stuff worth getting demos for are sonic syndicates orion ($49), propellerheads reason(£300), cubase(£300), logic (£300),( u dont need them all!) theres loads of freeware about too..n-track studio, buzz tracker etc

Re: Can I create Music? How Please?

No point in going to the computermusic site. This site has more software.

Try <a href="">FruityLoops</a> and <a href="">ACID</a>.

Great downloads for beginners.


: try checking out good site with tutorials and reviews of gear..dont know how much ur looking to spend but some stuff worth getting demos for are sonic syndicates orion ($49), propellerheads reason(£300), cubase(£300), logic (£300),( u dont need them all!) theres loads of freeware about too..n-track studio, buzz tracker etc

desperately seeking advice on handling music software

hi! i've recently installed a couple of music software on my PC.And as i'm nearly computer illiterate i can't work it out how to acheive what i want to acheive. Among others i have Fruityloops,Cubase and Audio Quartz Studio.My aim is to make music combining drums from Fruity my own bass and guitar.I'd like to use Cubase or Audio Quartz as editing tool. I must tell i know nothing about handling audio and midi files.I tried to transfer fruuity files to Cubase but they dont sound.COULD YOU SEND ME SOME STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS SO THAT I COULD FINALLY MAKE MUSIC!!!HOW TO EXPORT DRUMS TO EDITNG PROGRAMS?Do i export patterns from FLoops one by one or as a loop or some other way. Please HELP!!!

(Newbie) Interested in making music and not sure what set up to

Can someone make some recomendations to me.
I am interested in making Drum and Bass/Hip Hop
but there is such a confusing array of equipment out
there, i don't know where to begin.

I have really good computer equipment, but I still
see who much hardware available. Is it reasonable to
do all of your music creation on a computer? Or is some external sampler system or sequencer still required?

any help would be greatly appriechiated.

Re: (Newbie) Interested in making music and not sure what set up

sorry i meant to recommend Acid too, its lets u create music using just samples, and time stretch them..i havent used this but its raved about in magazines

Re: (Newbie) Interested in making music and not sure what set up

Acid is <a href="">here</a>.


: sorry i meant to recommend Acid too, its lets u create music using just samples, and time stretch them..i havent used this but its raved about in magazines

Re: (Newbie) Interested in making music and not sure what set up

id recommend fruityloops for DnB, and theres a top site at, which tells u how to make dnb on fruityloops - beginners bit. theres loads of stuff about, ull probably need a sampler for hip hop..theres gigasampler, exs24 sampler (plug in for logic - a sequencer), and a new ones coming out soon for cubase (another sequencer) called Halion...hope i havent confused u more! Its definetly reasonable to do all ur stuff on computer, alot of stuff now is almost on par with pro hardware equipment at a tenth of the price...and computers get better every month..

Can i play winamp files on a CD player?


I'm a newcomer to this whole phenomenom. I have been able to rip MP3 to .wav, but how do i convert winamp to .wav or can a regular CD player read winamp files?

Can you help me please?

Kind regards.


Roland Jv 1080 Wanted!!! London Uk

If anyone has a Roland Jv 1080 for sale please contact me asap must be in the uk london or berkshire area my e - mail:

Re: Roland Jv 1080 Found!!! Texas.US with expansion cards

I got it, I can get this delivered to you through a phone order... call me 972-960-0011, dallas guitar center , legitimate. I've got two.

: If anyone has a Roland Jv 1080 for sale please contact me asap must be in the uk london or berkshire area my e - mail:

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soundblaster cliping

When I record audio tracks on my soundblaster live value! I get some kind of saturation clips whereas all my input an output gains are perfectly set.
I've tried 16/24/32 bit (cubase5) and nothing changes.
Is it my soundcard or what???

Re: soundblaster cliping

: When I record audio tracks on my soundblaster live value! I get some kind of saturation clips whereas all my input an output gains are perfectly set.
: I've tried 16/24/32 bit (cubase5) and nothing changes.
: Is it my soundcard or what???

On your windows record level control, check if the balance control works as a balance control. On my system it seems to act as an input level control (like the input attenuator on a mixer) and needs to be set to the right,fairly low, to avoid overload and clipping. I use "Audiotools" to do my recording and can set the left & right levels independantly with this.


recording question

hi i'm new to sound forge and well.. i'm trying to record to an mp3 using a microphone... like when the artist talks i want to record my voice over his.. is there anyway to do that? i try to but it just erases over the whole mp3 and just have my voice.. i want to keep the drums, bass, guitar and stuff running , and just have my voice go over the artists... i'm using a vocal remover so the artists voice is a little bit gone so i can just easily talk over his and everything will be fine.. please help , thanks in advanced

Recording Media Player radio station show

How can I record a radio station show or content that plays on Windows Media Player? I notice that after disconnecting from the Web the show can still be played as long as Media Player remains up. If I reopen Media Player and am still disconnected from the Web the radio station lists of course do not load but the show is listed in the "Now Playing" playlist but cannot be played. Is the content downloaded as a temp file somewhere? Can this file be saved and then, if necessary converted to a .wav or mp3 file and burnt to a CD?

Re: Recording Media Player radio station show

Try <a href="">this</a>!


: How can I record a radio station show or content that plays on Windows Media Player? I notice that after disconnecting from the Web the show can still be played as long as Media Player remains up. If I reopen Media Player and am still disconnected from the Web the radio station lists of course do not load but the show is listed in the "Now Playing" playlist but cannot be played. Is the content downloaded as a temp file somewhere? Can this file be saved and then, if necessary converted to a .wav or mp3 file and burnt to a CD?

Microphone Problems

I have a mic that came with an old pc, thats really crappy, but it works - i also have a half-decent mic but it has a 6mm plug on the end. I have a 6mm-3mm adapter but it just wont work. Are these mics different in some way to the pc one?

Re: Microphone Problems

There are different types of microphones some require batteries to work others require phamton power which they usually get from a mixing desk. If your not getting any level from you microphone you may need to check the battery or see if needs phatmon power. If it does need phatmon power you will have to run it through a mixer which has phatmon power or get another Mic.

: I have a mic that came with an old pc, thats really crappy, but it works - i also have a half-decent mic but it has a 6mm plug on the end. I have a 6mm-3mm adapter but it just wont work. Are these mics different in some way to the pc one?

HELP music maker by magix question

I can't seem to figure out how to get a song from a CD into this program so that I can play with it. Can anyone help?????

File conversion for RealJukebox

Any way to convert .rmx files to .rmj when you've lost the security key in RealJukebox?

Re: File conversion for winamp or realplayer or realkukebox

: Any way to convert .rmx files to mp3?
Hi dear Mr/Mrs I`m an amatur user who need a convertor for rmx files to mp3 or wavw please help me.

Re: File conversion for RealJukebox

if u have got or get this solution please send me the details i have lost my security key

Re: File conversion for RealJukebox

Help guys

Same scenario - how do you get through this without the key ?

Recording multiple tracks separately from keyboard

i'm using my keyboard(alesis qs8.1) to digitally record music, and i have a recording prog that came with the sound card, but it doesn't have capacity for multiple tracks. i need a free(or relatively cheap) program that can record tracks one at a time, simply! its not brain surgery, it's just music :)
plz email me with help if possible

vstplugins needed for Roland JX 305 !!

Dear reader,

I want my soundpatches from the JX 305 transported into cubase 5.0.

I can't found the plugins, can you give me some help.


Re: vstplugins needed for Roland JX 305 !!

go to my web site at and download my instrument script patch for the jx305 and enjoy !

: Dear reader,

: I want my soundpatches from the JX 305 transported into cubase 5.0.

: I can't found the plugins, can you give me some help.

: Lotus