Total Recorder Standard Edition v8.0
by High Criteria Inc.
(High Criteria Inc. Website)

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Registration: US$17.95

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Sound Card

Last Updated: 2010-01-04
For more detail about software : Software Description
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Software Description

Total Recorder is a multi-purpose audio and video recording software program with a wide variety of editing and sound processing capabilities. Total Recorder is distributed in the following editions: Standard Edition (SE), Professional Edition (PE), VideoPro Edition (VE), and Developer Edition (DE). VideoPro Edition and Developer Edition are powerful tools for recording, editing, converting, and playing sound and video files. Standard Edition and Professional Edition are all-in-one audio solutions designed to meet all of your needs for working with audio.

If you want to compare the features of different editions, refer to the Feature Comparison page.

Related Article:
The Best USB Audio Interface Round-up

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Editing .wav file after recording

How do you truncate the last few minutes of a .wav file after using
total recorder 2.2 (recording soundtrack from old VHS movie)? Thanks.

Re: Editing .wav file after recording

: How do you truncate the last few minutes of a .wav file after using
: total recorder 2.2 (recording soundtrack from old VHS movie)? Thanks.

Re: Editing .wav file after recording

: : How do you truncate the last few minutes of a .wav file after using
: : total recorder 2.2 (recording soundtrack from old VHS movie)? Thanks.

Re: Editing .wav file after recording

: How do you truncate the last few minutes of a .wav file after using
: total recorder 2.2 (recording soundtrack from old VHS movie)? Thanks.

You need a sound editor such as cool edit, It puts out the signal in the graphic
form where you can actually see where the music ends and then just delete the silence.
Hope it helps.

Re: Editing .wav file after recording


Shortening a track


how do I shorten a music track

for example I have a track that is 8 minutes long

how do get rid of the last 4 minutes and just have the first 4 minutes?

any way to compress the entire tarck of 9MB to 5MB?

Does buffering affect the recording?

Is Total Recorders effectiveness inhibited by the buffering of net congestion?


where i can get free total recorder. Please...................


: : hello i have this problem...i have some tapes that i would love to put into my harddrive and then convert it to AIFF for MAC, is this possible?? if it is can some please tell me how??


: : : hello i have this problem...i have some tapes that i would love to put into my harddrive and then convert it to AIFF for MAC, is this possible?? if it is can some please tell me how??

Hallo, Hans!

Just found your e-mail here and would like to share my little experience.
Try to use a recording program, like SonicWorx Artist Basic (freeware) and a cable that would link the "out" of your cassete player (like the phones output or any other output) and the "in" of the sound card of your Mac. Adjust level and other and press the record buttom and put it to play. After recording you can edit the soundfile, cutting what you don't need or using other resorces to improve the quality.

Good Luck! Daniel

Re: Total Recorder

: : i'm looking for a Total Recorder the newest version. Does anyone have
: : it archived on the net or know where i can download it? i'm
: : not looking for the full copy, just the legal shareware copy.
: : Thanks for any help.

Suggestions.. Planning to Pay for the s/w

I read almost all the postings on this entire board. I see mostly good
and some problems. Reg users, pl suggest what do u think of this s/w?

I will be mostly using to record audio out of streaming web audio
(like ram files). I am also planning on using the schuduler since
I subscribed to a paid broadcast network, which streams data from
the other side of the globe (ie night in US) so may be record
them and listen in the day.

Also any other products /compitetors?
Any products which can record vedio too?

(post ur replies here..)

Re: can you convert MIDI to AUDIO for making AUDIO CASSETTES

: ummm..."audio music?"

: is there any other kind?

wav to midi

can you convert wav to midi, or what programs can

Re: wav to midi

: can you convert wav to midi, or what programs can

>>>>I don't think so. They are totally different format.


is really good

Price-total recorder

Before I waste the time downloading the recorder, what is the price that I have to pay for registered edition? All I want to do is to record cassett tapes on CDRs and i need wave files to do that.



re: mike

If all you need this for is to record casset tapes then, you may not need a newer recorder.
The program is 11.95.
However you could go to radio shack and get an output/input cord ~2 bucks. connect ouput of tape player into the input of your pc then use your regular windows sound recorder.
hope this is helpful,

Re: Price-total recorder

: Before I waste the time downloading the recorder, what is the price that I have to pay for registered edition? All I want to do is to record cassett tapes on CDRs and i need wave files to do that.

Mike: Don't bother with Total Recorder, then - get MusicMatch JukeBox, the shareware version will do what you want.

wav. compression

How do i compress a wav. file into an MP3 file

Re: wav. compression

: How do i compress a wav. file into an MP3 file

Re: wav. compression

: : How do i compress a wav. file into an MP3 file

Re: wav. compression

: : How do i compress a wav. file into an MP3 file

Re: wav. compression

: How do i compress a wav. file into an MP3 file

Re: wav. compression

Hi There

I am also trying to convert the wav file in to mp3 files. I am trying to create it as a command line tool, so that it can be ditributable. Are you Trying to create a tool or some program so that i can help you some thing.

we can use the available windows support for conversion

: How do i compress a wav. file into an MP3 file

Re: wav. compression

: How do i compress a wav. file into an MP3 file

Re: wav. compression

: How do i compress a wav. file into an MP3 file

do a search for Mpeg creator on the web. You can get a free one at a number of different sites. After you get it on your system, open it up and put your wav into the program and convert to mp3. Very simple. Hope that helps.

Re: YES - with a little help

If you use a softsynth such as Yamaha S-YXG100 to replay your MIDI-files you'll get an excellent result.

How to convert real ( .Ram .ra) to wav

How do i convert real to wav

anyprog that can do that and for free

Re: How to convert real ( .Ram .ra) to wav Solution

It's very easy.
You must use the software of your sound hardware.
If you have a record program [like the sound blaster software]you play the ra file with winamp or another. At the same time you record the file with the record software of your pc. you can configure the cd quality or another.

How to convert .amr to .wav???????????


how can i convert a .amr file into a .wav file???

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav???????????


: how can i convert a .amr file into a .wav file???

go to

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav???????????


: how can i convert a .wav file into a .amr file???

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav???????????


: how can i convert a .amr file into a .wav file???

Hmm.. I try yesterday.. No was so easy... :)
First: Donwload the Quictime 6.3<
Then download the amr plugin (3GPP) you find on the apple quictime page. Then you are able now to convert amr to mov.. Then the next step you can easily Export (File menu) the mov file to wav...
Easy, huh? :)

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav???????????


: : how can i convert a .amr file into a .wav file???

: Hmm.. I try yesterday.. No was so easy... :)
: First: Donwload the Quictime 6.3<
: Then download the amr plugin (3GPP) you find on the apple quictime page. Then you are able now to convert amr to mov.. Then the next step you can easily Export (File menu) the mov file to wav...
: Easy, huh? :)
: Greatings
: Landor

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav???????????


: : : how can i convert a .amr file into a .wav file???

: : Hmm.. I try yesterday.. No was so easy... :)
: : First: Donwload the Quictime 6.3<
: : Then download the amr plugin (3GPP) you find on the apple quictime page. Then you are able now to convert amr to mov.. Then the next step you can easily Export (File menu) the mov file to wav...
: : Easy, huh? :)
: : Greatings
: : Landor

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav???????????


: : : how can i convert a .amr file into a .wav file???

: : Hmm.. I try yesterday.. No was so easy... :)
: : First: Donwload the Quictime 6.3<
: : Then download the amr plugin (3GPP) you find on the apple quictime page. Then you are able now to convert amr to mov.. Then the next step you can easily Export (File menu) the mov file to wav...
: : Easy, huh? :)
: : Greatings
: : Landor

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav???????????


: : how can i convert a .amr file into a .wav file???

convert mp3 file to wav with nero wav editor
or other software just search in
and nek step convert wav file to amr file with mobileAMRconverter if u dont have the software just following this link

have nice try...

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav???????????

Great. Now Landor knows how to convert wav to amr which is pretty simple, but that's not really what he wanted to know, is it??


: : : how can i convert a .amr file into a .wav file???

: convert mp3 file to wav with nero wav editor
: or other software just search in
: and nek step convert wav file to amr file with mobileAMRconverter if u dont have the software just following this link

: have nice try...

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav??? and etc????????

: Great. Now Landor knows how to convert wav to amr which is pretty simple, but that's not really what he wanted to know, is it??


: : : : how can i convert a .amr file into a .wav file???

: : convert mp3 file to wav with nero wav editor
: : or other software just search in
: : and nek step convert wav file to amr file with mobileAMRconverter if u dont have the software just following this link

: : have nice try...

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav???????????

: Great. Now Landor knows how to convert wav to amr which is pretty simple, but that's not really what he wanted to know, is it??


: : : : how can i convert a .amr file into a .wav file???

: : convert mp3 file to wav with nero wav editor
: : or other software just search in
: : and nek step convert wav file to amr file with mobileAMRconverter if u dont have the software just following this link

: : have nice try...

Re: How to convert .amr to .wav???????????

I just need the same, but the other way round :)

i tried to find a prog which can convert wav/mp3 files into amr.

i just don´t find anything that could help me.

happy for any response

thy and best regards

Re: How to convert real ( .Ram .ra) to wav

: How do i convert real to wav

: anyprog that can do that and for free

Re: How to convert real ( .Ram .ra) to wav

: How do i convert real to wav

: anyprog that can do that and for free

Re: How to convert real ( .Ram .ra) to wav

: How do i convert real to wav

: anyprog that can do that and for free

Re: How to convert real ( .Ram .ra) to wav

: How do i convert real to wav

: anyprog that can do that and for free

Re: How to convert real ( .Ram .ra) to wav

: How do i convert real to wav

: anyprog that can do that and for free

Re: How to convert real ( .Ram .ra) to wav

: : How do i convert real to wav

: : anyprog that can do that and for free

i will be thankfull 2 u if u guide me proper
once again thanking you

Re: How to convert real ( .Ram .ra) to wav

: : : How do i convert real to wav

: : : anyprog that can do that and for free

: i will be thankfull 2 u if u guide me proper
: once again thanking you
: Aziz

thank you

Re: How to convert real ( .Ram .ra) to wav

: : : : How do i convert real to wav

: : : : anyprog that can do that and for free

: : i will be thankfull 2 u if u guide me proper
: : once again thanking you
: : Aziz

: thank you

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