software to decompress midi cds

Posted by Esther Esber on Mon, 02/07/00 - 10:33:49.

I purchased a few midi cds while overseas. They are cd with compressed
midi songs up to 500 songs in one cd. This was being marketed by a company
selling the Hyundai Midi Multi-Disk Karaoke Player which plays the song and
the lyrics on a moving background.
As I have a midi player in my computer PC(VMI0DI - Vanbasco's) and Windows
98 Media Player, I thought these would be sufficient to decompress the
midi songs and play them in my pc. When I got back, I was so disappointed
to find out the cds are not read by my pc.
Would you please let me know if you are selling the software to decompress
these midi files in a single cd. I would also want to be able to read the
lyrics while singing. The player needed was a multi compact disc player
(which can read video cd (ver 1.1 &2), CG-Graphics, Midi CD, Audio CD).
The player costs a fortune overseas and so I could not afford the price but
was told by an unkowledgeable sales person that I could use the midi cds in
my pc.
Please advise me how to configure my pc to be able to read these compressed
midi cds. also if you sell the sound card etc for it., i would like to buy
it. But if a software is sufficient, please advise me what software. I
do not mind the quality of sound and all I want are words or lyrics to the
song and not particular of the moving pictures. The company that brought
out these midi cd is called Hyundai Digital from Korea...
Please help...thanks

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Re: software to decompress midi cds

: I
: selling the Hyundai Midi Multi-Disk Karaoke Player which plays the song and
: the lyrics on a moving background.
: Would you please let me know if you are selling the software to decompress
: these midi files in a single cd. I would also want to be able to read the
: lyrics while singing. The player needed was a multi compact disc player