Score Writer v4.1.5
by Sonic Scores
(Sonic Scores Website)

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Author's Website

Operating System:
File Size: 5 MB
License Conditions:

The demo versions let you try out all features except saving, and printing is limited to one page. Full version is at $59

System Requirements:

MIDI interface required for MIDI recording, Mac OSX compatible Printer for printing

Last Updated: 2011-09-09
For more detail about software : Software Description
  View Score Writer v4.1.5 Screenshot

Software Description

Score Writer for the Mac is the affordable notation software that makes recording, arranging, editing and printing your music easy, fast and enjoyable. Users can easily enter notes on-screen, or record via a MIDI interface.

Score Writer’s easy to use interface puts editing tools and symbol palettes within raech, so users can spend time composing music instead of working through complex menus. Score Writer is great for band and small orchestral arrangements, lead sheets, choral parts or even basic notations.

Open the VST/AU Instruments rack and load any VST/AU instrument. You can easily add controller and key switches using the pre-define libraries for most of the popular sample libraries.

Score Writer has a user friendly editing interface, allowing for quick fixes and changes when the need arises. Most commands can be done with one simple command directly on the score.

Now that your VST/AU Instruments have been loaded and your score has been entered, its time to do the final tweaking to turn the score into actual music. Additional MIDI data using musical symbols can be added, that send MIDI data to the VST/AU Instruments.

Now that you have high quality sound scores, you can save them as a wave file for easy sharing.

New in Ver 4.1.5 - download the Score Writer v4.1.5 update patch

  • Fixed an issue with reading old files that created empty measures.
  • Fixed an issue that caused fonts to be remapped incorrectly on old files.
  • Fixed an issue with First Endings not working in playback in old files.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused track device to be incorrect when deleting VST/AU plug-ins in rack.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented repeats from being drawn at the end of Multi-Bar Rests.
  • Fixed an issue that added extra character to melissmas when reading old files.

Go to the Windows version of Score Writer.

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