VST to DirectX Converter

Posted by Stephen on Sun, 05/07/00 - 04:31:36.

Does anyone know where I could find a utility (preferably free) to convert VST Plug-ins to DirectX for use in n-Track Studio?

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Re: VST to DirectX Converter

Go to www.directxfiles.com I found a free one there. This site was started by Cakewalk.

You have to know what to look for:


Re: You have to know what to look for:

That's what I'm using now, but I'm looking for something freeware or the like so it's not function disabled. Thanks anyway though.

Sorry About that.

I don't need a converter, so I've never used amulet.

That's why I'm dumb.

Re: You have to know what to look for:

You could always buy it - the basic version costs only $30.00 and works great in N-Track.

If you can't afford $30, mail me and I'll see if something can be arranged.


: That's what I'm using now, but I'm looking for something freeware or the like so it's not function disabled. Thanks anyway though.