TsampX 1.0.5
by MTSoftware
(MTSoftware Website)

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Author's Website

Operating System:
File Size: 1.31 MB
License Conditions:

May be freely distributed but not sold. Copyright MTSoftware 2003.

System Requirements:

G3, 256 RAM, OS 10.2

Last Updated: 2004-12-04
For more detail about software : Software Description
  View TsampX 1.0.5 Screenshot

Software Description

TsampX is a free standing sampler for OSX.

TsampX features:

  • 16 pads
  • supports WAV, AIFF, and SND files
  • saves sample banks
  • record patterns as AIFF, SND, WAV, raw, or SDII sound files
  • can be controlled by any MIDI device or software.
  • can be used with TseqX.

Related Music Production Equipment:
Check out these inexpensive USB Mics which are great for recording samples


  • Re-wire support added

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extracting problem

while extracting the prgramme (betterzip) says that it cant etxract the .app file beacause the password is incorrect. is there a password? i dont see it here.

Doesn't work with my Axiom

Doesn't work with my Axiom Pro 49 midi keyboard. Using in standalone mode. Tried adjusting MIDI In ports, etc... but I still can't used my MIDI keyboard to trigger samples. Any suggestions?

Doesn't work

Doesn't work

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