Maxi BankMapper 2.0
by Pascal Schmitt
(Pascal Schmitt Website)

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Operating System:
File Size: 1.3 MB
License Conditions:

Freely distributable

System Requirements:

Internet Explore 4.0 or higher, 8MB RAM free; 4MB disk space. No sound card required.

Last Updated: 2000-09-25
For more detail about software : Software Description
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Software Description

Maxi BankMapper 2.0 is an utility to map in HTML the content of any .94b/TTS sound bank and to change its main parameters (name, priority, programs, drumsets and variation numbers).

    New in this version:
  • TTS Soundbank support
  • TTMA chunk bugfix (now you can load every converted TTS->94B sound bank in your bank loader)
  • Export to ZIP, to share your sound banks with other people
  • Backup sound bank
  • New mapping file GUI
  • Help files in both English & French

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Thank you

Thank you for making MBM, it gives Isis more power, please keep on,


this was the tool i'm looking for
but i can't open it
it says can't open an empty document (or something likewise)
can u tell me what's wrong???

Re: mbm

: this was the tool i'm looking for
: but i can't open it
: it says can't open an empty document (or something likewise)
: can u tell me what's wrong???
: thnxx

Re: mbm f

: i can't open it
: it says can't open an empty document (or something likewise)
: can u tell me what's wrong???

Yep axel,

try first to delete the mbm.opt file located in the installation directory of MBM.
If it doesn't work, check if you have already IE 4.0 at least with SP2 installed.

hope this helps,

new MBM version 2.0

+ TTS soundbank format support
+ TTMA chunk bugfix, to enable any TTS->94B soundbank to be loaded by any bankloader
+ Export to ZIP function
+ Backup soundbank
+ embedded HTML help in french and english
+ new mapping GUI

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