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File Size: 30 K
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Requires BeOS version: R3

Last Updated: 1998-01-10
For more detail about software : Software Description

Software Description

It takes a list of phonemes as input, together with prosodic information (duration of phonemes and a piecewise linear description of pitch), and produces speech samples on 16 bits (linear), at the sampling frequency of the diphone database used (it is therefore NOT a Text-To-Speech (TTS)synthesizer, since it does not accept raw text as input). This synthesizer is provided for free, for non commercial, non military applications only.

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i am looking for phonemes
because i am at th end of my final year projet "TTS" based on concatnation of phonemes.
thank you
your software is very known i mean MBROLA is the best one, i've never seen

Re: Help

: i am looking for phonemes(.wav)
: because i am at th end of my final year projet "TTS" based on concatnation of phonemes.
: thank you
: your software is very known i mean MBROLA is the best one.


je prepare mon projet de fin d'etude en informatique (ingenieur),mon projet est:
contribution à la generation d'un modele intonatif de la langue arabe,pour cela on utilise MBROLA comme synthétiseur.
je vous demande de me donner le help de MBROLA,les marqueurs prosodiques qu'il utilise,etc.

Re: renseignements

: je prepare mon projet de fin d'etude en informatique (ingenieur),mon projet est:
: contribution à la generation d'un modele intonatif de la langue arabe,pour cela on utilise MBROLA comme synthétiseur.
: je vous demande de me donner le help de MBROLA,les marqueurs prosodiques qu'il utilise,etc.
: merci

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