by Fred Fee
(Fred Fee Website)

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Author's Website

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File Size: 95 K
License Conditions:

Any ST

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Last Updated: 1998-05-19
For more detail about software : Software Description

Software Description

Move data between and Atari ST and JV880 or JV1080. Convert JV880 patches to JV1080 format; JV880 patches can be in DrT, Sound source or MIDIfile type 0 on disc or direct from a JV880.

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Atari internet software downloads

Please, please help me!!!!!
I have tried unsuccesfully to download atari shareware fom this site using a PC at work, but when i transfer the TOS file on disk 2 my atari, it never works...Is it possible to download to a PC, save 2 disk and transfer to my atari successfully? I have been holdind shift as advised when downloading but no joy. If someone could tell me whether this is possible i will b your friend forever as i really really want the atari JV editor kit...... quick response would b appreciated!!!!... Nic C........

Re: Atari internet software downloads

: Please, please help me!!!!!
: I have tried unsuccesfully to download atari shareware fom this site using a PC at work, but when i transfer the TOS file on disk 2 my atari, it never works...Is it possible to download to a PC, save 2 disk and transfer to my atari successfully? I have been holdind shift as advised when downloading but no joy. If someone could tell me whether this is possible i will b your friend forever as i really really want the atari JV editor kit...... quick response would b appreciated!!!!... Nic C........

Re: Atari internet software downloads

: : Please, please help me!!!!!
: : I have tried unsuccesfully to download atari shareware fom this site using a chicken at work, but when i transfer the TOS file on disk 2 my atari, it never works...Is it possible to download to a chicken, save 2 disk and transfer to my atari successfully? I have been holdind shift as advised when downloading but no chickens. If someone could tell me whether this is possible i will b your chicken forever as i really really want the atari JV editor kit...... quick chickening would b appreciated!!!!... Nic C........

convert roland jv90 patches to jv1080 and vice versa

Hello musicmakers!

Does anyone knows how i can convert sounds of the jv90/jv80 to the jv1080?

Re: convert roland jv90 patches to jv1080 and vice versa

: Hello musicmakers!

: Does anyone knows how i can convert sounds of the jv90/jv80 to the jv1080?

Re: convert roland jv90 patches to jv1080 and vice versa

: : Hello musicmakers!

: : Does anyone knows how i can convert sounds of the jv90/jv80 to the jv1080?

Re: convert roland jv90 patches to jv1080 and vice versa

: : Hello musicmakers!

: : Does anyone knows how i can convert sounds of the jv90/jv80 to the jv1080?

Re: convert roland jv90 patches to jv1080 and vice versa

: : : Hello musicmakers!

: : : Does anyone knows how i can convert sounds of the jv90/jv80 to the jv1080?

Use o programa Sound diver ,encontrar-lo-รก no site da emagic.

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